Corte peso
General Period
1.1. Bench Press +
medicine ball throw
3 Series of 5 Rep. (85%) and a pause of 3 minutes between series.
One arm rowing + band pull
3 Series of 5 Rep., (85%) and a pause of 3 minutes between series
Job logic of Olympic lifting derivatives:
from the powerful jobs (General) to the explosives (Special)
Clean Pull form Floor + Dumbbells
3 Series of
6 Rep
., (75%) and a pause of 3 minutes between series
1.4. Power Clean form Floor Thigh Power Clean + Overhead medicine ball throw:
3 Series of
6 Rep
., (75%) and a pause of 3 minutes between series
1.5. Power Clean form Knee
3 Series of
6 Rep
., (75%) and a pause of 3 minutes between series.
1.6. F
orearm Work
3 Series of 15 Rep. and a pause of 1 minutes between series
Special Period
2.1. Han Power Clean with CM:
3 Series of 6 Rep. (55%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
2.2. Mid-Thigh Power Clean:
3 Series of 6 Rep. (55%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
2.3. Pull Power:
3 Series of 6 Rep. (55%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
Straight punches with pulley and elastic band
3 Series of 6 Rep. (30%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
Uppercut punches with pulley and elastic band
3 Series of 6 Rep. (30%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
Hook punches with elastic band:
3 Series of 6 Rep. (20%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
2.3. Landmine
3 Series of 10 Rep. (30%) and a pause of 1 minutes between series
2.4. F
orearm Work
3 Series of 10 Rep. and a pause of 1 minutes between series
Corte peso